The subject of self enquiry can be hard to talk about because there are no words to describe who & what we are! Besides there being so many different ways of feeling and thinking, we each believe we are quite separate, living in our own crazy worlds. Yet, I feel a natural order of sorts enters into the fore, when we look inside and question, that is made easier to watch how thoughts arise, pulled from memory like still-lives that move in scenes to play on the illusionary stage. When we meet up there’s an unspoken act to leave ours stories outside the door along with our shoes on the mat, so the space we enter becomes clean and empty. Soon a recognition begins to expose our mistaken identities, endorsed by our society; from cradle to grave. We get together to understand what these incessant thoughts are all about that seemed to run our lives. Sometimes, during the dialogue a word or sentence is expressed that by-passes the thinking mind, this clearly makes an impact where a quiet is felt in this openness that accepts and does not resist. Acting from the unexpected background beyond thinking…we wait, listen, silenced by the stillness of that call…
How the mind is
For a nano second
From the inside.
Like a camera shooting,
Captures each striking image
as it flashes a montage,
A whole invented plethora
Of its needs beyond reason,
Right after or before the moment
is happening without you knowing
what is going to happen.
A sudden noticing of casting shadows,
Then a quiet sinking,
with mind ajar.