Ruta and Ram


What to do when you have just had a foot operation and are unable to get outside on the land, cannot walk the dogs, collect the logs or drive. How lucky was I when Ruta and Ram answered my request of coming to help in December. The garden got some help and I learnt about […]

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Willi and Norman


Willi and Norman came to stay for a week,  they had contacted me through the helpx website.  Both eighteen and having a gap year from their homes in Germany.  It was a good week and by the end of their stay I realised they really did know about chopping logs and preparing all the wood […]

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Ordinary Walks


Bring us into the arc of a relaxed mind. How close we live with the raw intimacy of nature yet we begin to drop any worrying when in nature as it doesn’t argue back. Pick up a stick & head out along the road a place to walk for retreat & ones true home, Where […]

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Rob and Cia


Rob and Cia arrived in their car having driven over from Sweden.  I had seen their notice on the woofing site and asked if they might be up to house sit while I was away for two weeks.  Such a lovely couple.  They arrived a couple of days early and we got along immediately.  The […]

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Discovering the vast ocean.


Discovering the Vast Ocean is the silence of understanding & degree of stillness between a group, who have suspended judgement & bias from the first words uttered, of their enquiry together. The level of silence was so total to make it a vital part of the questioning, where the possibility of being taken out of […]

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Let Things Be.


Here in the field of inquiry We see words anew Not concerning you, me or we Except indirectly pointing to a pain Of learned addictive stuff Loaded minds will never hear the ticking clock Or singing bird. So it goes onto repeat the immediate Experience with all it knows. Let things be without what I […]

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