Ruta and Ram


img_0244What to do when you have just had a foot operation and are unable to get outside on the land, cannot walk the dogs, collect the logs or drive. How lucky was I when Ruta and Ram answered my request of coming to help in December. The garden got some help and I learnt about Lithuanian life, and on top some interesting chats about the lives of two people taking a risk and just doing what they both love. Ram a Landscape gardener and Problem Solver and Ruta the Imaginator!  I so appreciated the help and I think they enjoyed the walks around the land with the dogs, interspersed with sorting out the garden and sheds while the rain poured down!

At this time of year it is lovely to have people visit and especially when it is quiet before Christmas so there is time to chat and reflect about what is important in life. It could not have been better timing and now I hope my foot will heal and I can get out and about again. Happy Christmas to them both and I hope they have a fun New year exploring the world in their van!!

The tree fern pond



New Moon



Swans about.



Walking in the woods.




Dark Woods.




  1. I was interested to read Ruta & Ram’s, experience working on East Reen farm, who have set out in their van from Lithuania, to travel the world picking up work along the way.
    There is a thread no matter how slender as a bigger picture begins to emerge where connections appear-such as a path-whereupon one becomes the road, they are traveling…whether known or unknown…it’s a place that the inside & outside, becomes a heart full-pull of no choice, but to go because it speaks directly to the whole being. Sot

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