

Wwoof  is “World wide opportunities on organic farms”. For a full explanation of this organisation go to www.wwoof.ie and all will be explained.

I have been fortunate to have woofers coming here to help on the farm since 2001 when the first people came over from U.S.A. and stayed for one year!  Bill and Carol were amazing, an older couple who had seen their children grow up and leave home.  Carol had been a very senior nurse and Bill had kept their farm going in Washington state.  However they had never worked together and decided to go on an adventure to Europe.  The two countries they visited were Germany and Ireland due to connections from their families in the past. Since that time I have had people from all over the world and of all ages.  Some coming from towns and cities with no previous experience of life on the land and others coming from the countryside with knowledge of their own countries farming practices.  Having said that each person had some skill to bring to the farm and each person has left their mark in a positive way to improve the place.

The most recent woofers were Matt and Brittany. They came to stay for two weeks and left having built steps, tidied the polytunnel, built the fence round the garden, set up this blog etc., etc., it is a long list.   This is the video they made of their stay at East Reen.


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